I have a truly wonderful family and it was great to get together with my sister, Shelly and all her friends to raise some money for her to cover expenses from her treatment for ovarian cancer. The best part was celebrating the fact that she is done with her chemo and her beautiful hair is starting to grow back. The picture above is Shelly with two of my Brothers, Kevin on the right and Bruce on the left sporting their 'flat tops'. Makes them look even more like they are related huh?
I made a quilt for the auction that was sold in the silent auction. I love this pattern and resisted the urge to buy it back for myself. I always have good intentions of making a quilt for myself, but never seem to get it done, but this would be one pattern I would love.
Here is a picture of my siblings and I at the benifit. The next pictures are some of my extended family. Mom and Dad were wintering in AZ so they were unable to attend {Hi Mom and Dad, hope you enjoy the pics, we miss you, sure it is warmer there than the -17degrees it was in Lincoln for the benifit!}
Thanks for following my blog and please remeber to be good to yourself. We women tend to care for everyone else and not ourselves. You all are important to others and to this world so listen to your bodies, get your check ups and celebrate the uniqueness and awsomeness of YOU. Happy 2010 and may it be the best year yet.
Below is a link to my shutterfly site so you can view even more pictures of this wonderful event.
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